
“Inspired from the deep depths of greens from our planets the largest rainforests. ‘Amazonia’ a deep luscious velvet green re-roots our belonging to our Earth. The Amazonian Tribe’s belief system sees the rainforest as the home of spiritual life.”

Fibrous Design Terms:

50% deposit is payable upon commencement of all commissioned art. Final 50% payable at completions & delivery of art. As all artworks are unique & individually hand crafted, all artworks will be finalised at Fibrous Design Pty Ltd’s discretion. Fibrous Design Pty Ltd is under no obligation to create a second commission if the customer is dissatisfied with the first.

Installation is not included. Fibrous Design Pty Ltd is under no obligation to except a return for a commissioned artwork, except in the event that the artwork reaches the customer damaged.